Mindful Commuting: Making Time for Mindfulness During Free Moments

meditating in your commute | in car meditation | mindful commuting | how to meditate in traffic

One complaint about mindfulness I hear again-and-again is “Steve, I just don’t have time to be mindful.” Hey, I get it! The idea of slowing down and “enjoying the moment” seems at odds with the idea of being productive. And I love productivity. How Making Time for Mindfulness Improves Productivity It is easy to think that … Read more

7 Best TED Talks on Mindfulness: Inspirational Discussions that May Change Your Life

The TED Talk platform has become popular for many reasons, the main reason is clearly stated in their simple slogan: “Ideas Worth Spreading.” TED Talks are an inspiring way to open your mind to new ideas, with the fun twist of having professionals on a variety of subjects tell real stories and describe real situations … Read more

What Is Walking Meditation? (How to Build This Mindfulness Habit)

We have all heard about the benefits of mindfulness, and how practicing this form of meditation has many health benefits. However, have you heard about the benefits of a habit called “walking meditation?” Both walking and meditation are great for your health, but when they are put together, they offer benefits that are greater than … Read more

4 Best Mindfulness Games for Kids (Our Review for 2024)

Teach children mindfulness using the Best Mindfulness Games for Kids.

Did you know that having fun can provide some of the best stress relief? Games can provide kids with a source of eustress, which is the “good” type of stress that keeps people feeling alive. Eustress refers to the sense of excitement that you get from finishing a project, meeting a challenge, or even riding … Read more

4 Best Mindfulness Games for Adults (Our Review for 2024)

Practice mindfulness with the 4 Best Mindfulness Games for Adults that are fun and effective.

Have you ever noticed how when you are having fun you are able to put life’s stressors aside and just be happy for a little while? Having fun while playing a game will not only reduce your stress in the short term, but can also have lasting effects that make you a more relaxed person … Read more

Meditation vs. Mindfulness: What Is the Difference?

Mindfulness has become a popular word recently, but do you know how it differs from meditation? Meditation and mindfulness each have many definitions and are often intertwined, so it’s easy to confuse the two terms. However, these two terms actually complement each other. Mediation and mindfulness are two sides of the same coin and often … Read more

Deskercise Habit: 30 Office Exercises to Stay Healthy at Work

By now, we are all well aware that living a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a wide range of diseases and an early death. People who work typical desk jobs are prone to having higher amounts of daily total sitting time that is associated with a greater risk of overall morbidity. Prolonged sitting that becomes … Read more

10-Minute Mindfulness Book Review: 71 Simple Habits for Living in the Present Moment

10-Minute Mindfulness

Do you feel overwhelmed by the fast pace of life? Do you feel stressed? Anxious? Feel untethered from your true values, needs and desires? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you may really need a bit of mindfulness: a chance to slow down, get your true bearings and learn to live in … Read more

Show Notes and Links for “10-Minute Mindfulness”

Thanks for purchasing 10-Minute Mindfulness: 71 Simple Habits for Living in the Present Moment. I’ve put together these notes of every link that’s mentioned in 10-Minute Mindfulness to help with your mindfulness habit efforts. IMPORTANT: As another way of saying “thanks” for buying the audiobook of 10-Minute Mindfulness, I’m offering a free PDF version of … Read more

23 Best Books on Happiness & Life Contentment [2024 Update]

books on happiness | the best selling book on happiness | books on finding happiness within yourself

Want to be happier? You might want to consider learning more about the science of happiness itself by checking out a few books on happiness. In pursuit of a joy-filled life, many of us find ourselves searching for that elusive state of happiness. But what if happiness isn’t just an accident of fate, but rather … Read more