10 Bad Morning Routine Habits to AVOID at All Costs

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There are certain things you should never do in the morning. In fact, there are specific bad morning routine habits that can completely derail your day. These habits can negatively impact your focus, motivation, and energy for the rest of the day.

So if you would like to build a powerful morning routine that sets you up for success throughout the day, then you need to identify these bad habits and create new habits to help you have a productive day.

In this video, we will talk about 10 bad morning routine habits that you need to stop doing right now. Plus, we offer a few suggestions on what to do instead of following these unhealthy habits.

Finally, our team is publishing three of these videos each week (on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings). 

So if you would like to see future content like this, then be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.