Show Notes for The Accountability Manifesto

Thanks for purchasing the audio version of The Accountability Manifesto: Achieve Your Goals with Mastermind Groups and Accountability Partners.

I know what it’s like to listen to audio content. You hear an important link, but can’t immediately write it down. So I’ve put together these show notes of every link that’s mentioned in The Accountability Manifesto.

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Let’s get to those notes…

Free Gift from Steve Scott – 77 Good Habits to Live a Better Life

Steve “S.J.” Scott – runs Develop Good Habits and authors of a series of habit-related titles available at

The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be – book by Jack Canfield

A study from the Dominican University of California – [PDF] showed what factors influencegoal achievement

Procrastination, Deadlines and Performance: Self-Control by Precommitment – research article from Psychological Science

Calf Burn Addiction Society – a low-key, informal running group where members meet for runs, volunteer at races and do other fun activities together

Toastmasters – provides a supportive, learn-by-doing environment that can help you improve the way you communicate

Writing Groups (forums):

Wiki page provided by – a database of national genealogy societies and the individual clubs in each U.S. state

Addiction Groups:

Diet and Weight Loss

  • Weight Watchers – an  international company offers meetings in most cities and towns in the United States.
  • Jenny Craig – another weight-loss-management company that offers meetings in most cities and some towns in the U.S., as well as in other countries.
  • Nutrisystem – a commercial provider of weight-loss products and services, Nutrisystem offers accountability in the form of counseling to help you reach your weight-loss goals.

Fitness and Physical Improvement

Public Service and Volunteering

  • – an excellent place to start your community outreach journey
  • Habitat for Humanity – a well-known international nonprofit is always in need of volunteers to help build homes for people in need or for those who have gone through a natural disaster.

The Right Accountability App

115 Productivity Apps to Maximize Your Time – where I review 115 productivity apps

The following apps are specifically designed to help users identify good habits and stick with them on a daily basis.

Jerry Seinfeld's Productivity Secret – For more on this, read this article to learn about Jerry Seinfeld’s practice of writing a new joke every single day.

Best Virtual Community

Leaving Work Behind – owned by Tom Ewer, Steve’s accountabuddy – a business that specializes in creating content for WordPress sites

Think and Grow Rich – book by Napoleon Hill; popularized the mastermind group concept

Famous Mastermind Groups:

  • Algonquin Round Table: A celebrated group of New York writers, critics, actors and wits met for lunch each day at the Algonquin Hotel from 1919 until roughly 1929.
  • The Junto: A club for mutual improvement established in 1727 by Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia. Also known as the Leather Apron Club, its purpose was to debate questions of morals, politics and natural philosophy, and to exchange knowledge of business affairs.
  • The Vagabonds: Between 1915 and 1924, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone and John Burroughs embarked on a series of summer camping trips.

Six Degrees of Separation (or at least you know about the game called “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon”)

Google Docs – a program you can use to share files and anything else you create as a group

Online Resources that Can Connect You with a Coach

Management Mentors website – shares pointer son when to hire a coach

Attending Goal-Specific Conferences

Willpower – book by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney

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