35 Morning Journal Prompts to Inspire Your Entire Day

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If you are looking for a way to get your day started on the right foot, there is a good chance that you have thought about keeping a journal.

Even though a lot of people write in their journal after a long day, writing in a journal during the morning can also be a great way to put yourself in the right frame of mind.

In fact, journaling is one of the 12 best morning habits you can use to increase your focus, motivation, and energy for the rest of the day.

Of course, if you want to start writing, you need to have something to write about. That is where morning journal prompts can be helpful. So in this article, we’ll provide 35 daily prompts that are great for starting your day on the right foot.

But first, let’s start with a brief definition.

What Are Morning Journal Prompts?

As the name suggests, morning journal prompts are prompts that you specifically use in the morning. When you are trying to come up with a promise, this should be something that forces you to think about how you are going to make the most out of the day ahead.

Even though there are a lot of problems that cross over between an evening journal and a morning journal, there are also prompts that are specifically helpful for a morning journal.

So let’s move on the 35 specific prompts you can write about each morning.

35 Morning Journal Prompts

Writing in a morning journal is helpful because it can help you reflect on not only what happened yesterday but also set you up for success during the day ahead.

Some of the top prompts that you may want to follow if you are thinking about writing in your morning journal include: 

  1. What did you overcome yesterday that made you stronger? How is that going to help you today? 
  2. What is the one thing you are most grateful for yesterday that you will carry forward to today? 
  3. What is the biggest challenge that you are going to face during the day ahead? How are you going to overcome it? 
  4. What is your favorite song right now? Why do you think that song is stuck in your head at the moment? 
  5. What is the one thing that people do not know about you that you want to share with the world today? 
  6. What is one thing that made you laugh yesterday? Why did it make you laugh? 
  7. If you have time today, what is the one place you would like to go? Why do you think you want to go there so badly? 
  8. What did you do yesterday that inspired you? How is that going to serve you well today? 
  9. What is the one thing in your life that makes you the happiest right now? Why do you think that is? 
  10. What is one future goal that you are working toward? How are you going to get there? 
  11. What is the one thing you are going to do today that is solely for yourself? Why do you think that is important for your work-life balance? 
  12. What is one bad habit that you are working hard to break? How are you going to place yourself in a position to break that habit? 
  13. What are your most positive qualities? What type of impact do you think those qualities have on others? 
  14. Is there a specific challenge that you are working to overcome? How are you going to accomplish that goal? 
  15. When you look to the future, what do you think about? Why do you think you are focused on that? 
  16. What is the one thing yesterday that stressed you out the most? How are you going to be able to deal with that stress? 
  17. What are the top things that make you smile? What are you going to do to force yourself to smile today? 
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  1. What are the biggest victories you have had recently regarding your mental health? What are some of the disappointments you have experienced? 
  2. What are you going to do to make sure that you have time to eat today? How are you going to set aside time for yourself? 
  3. How do you feel right now? What are you going to do to protect your mood? What are you going to do to prevent yourself from getting down? 
  4. Who are the most important people in your support system? How can you improve your support system? 
  5. Write about someone you love. Why do you cherish them so much? Is there anything you can do to spend more time with that person? 
  6. Forgive yourself for something. What are you going to do to forgive yourself? How is this going to help you move forward in your life? 
  7. When have you been at your happiest this month? What are you going to do to help yourself stay that happy during the remainder of the week? 
  8. What is the one thing that made you sad yesterday? Why do you think that one thing brought you down? 
  9. Make time to exercise today. What are your goals for exercise? Why is exercise important for your overall health
  10. What do you need most today? Why do you think you need it? How are you going to get more of that one thing in your life? 
  11. What is the one thing that you are most excited about today? Why do you think that is making you excited? 
  12. What is the one thing that you need more of in your life right now? What are you going to do to get more of that one thing in your life? 
  13. What are the things that you are most grateful for today? List the top three items. 
  14. If you are going to do one thing to help someone else out, what is that going to be? How are you going to make time to make that happen? 
  15. I'm going to say thank you to one person today. Who are you going to say thank you to? Why do they deserve your gratitude? 
  16. At the end of the day today, how do you want to feel? What are you going to do to help yourself get there? 
  17. What are you going to do today to make it a little bit easier to accomplish everything on your to-do list
  18. One of the obstacles that I am anticipating today is… ? I am going to deal with this obstacle by doing what? 

Final Thoughts on Morning Journal Prompts

These are just a few of the many prompts that you can use if you are trying to put a morning journal to use for you.

By thinking carefully about what you are going to write about, you place yourself in the best position possible to be successful during the following day.

Remember that there are plenty of prompts that can be useful both in an evening journal and a morning journal; and however, any prompt that you used to write in your morning journal should place you in the right frame of mind when looking to the day ahead.

If you are looking for more journal recommendations and resources, then be sure to check out these articles:

Finally, if you don’t know the “right” way to journal, then check out this seven-step process for building a journaling habit that sticks.

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