11 Best Travel and Lifestyle Books

Want to find the best lifestyle books, featuring how to travel and enjoy life on your own terms? Many people would love to create a “travel” habit. The hard part is not finding the will, but the time and the money to visit cool places all around the globe.

This is a passion of mine, and a big part of the reason I work hard.

Travel certainly has built-in financial costs. But there are ways to travel more effectively and less expensively.

Creating a recurring travel habit should not be a hard sell, if the finances and the time are available.

Therefore for this section I featured books that are great for helping you find both. These books can help you find the time to travel as well as making the trips more reasonable and decreasing expenses.

Unless you are living hand-to-mouth and barely getting by, you too can travel. These travel lifestyle books will help you to life your life without boundaries and travel where and when you desire.

Best Lifestyle & Travel books

1. Vagabonding by Rolf Potts

Vagabonding by Rolf Potts | Best Travel and Lifestyle Books | travel books

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  • Embracing long-term travel: Potts encourages readers to embrace the art of long-term world travel, emphasizing the value of immersing oneself in different cultures and experiences beyond traditional vacation timelines.
  • Minimalist travel philosophy: Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel promotes a minimalist travel philosophy, focusing on the richness of experiences rather than material possessions, and encourages readers to prioritize meaningful interactions and personal growth during their journeys.
  • Financial considerations: Potts addresses financial considerations for long-term travel, offering insights into budgeting, cost-saving strategies, and alternative sources of income to sustain extended periods of exploration.
  • Cultural immersion and learning: The book emphasizes the value of cultural immersion and learning, encouraging travelers to engage with local communities, learn new languages, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them.
  • Personal growth and self-discovery: Potts explores the potential for personal growth and self-discovery through long-term travel, highlighting the transformative power of stepping outside one's comfort zone and embracing the unknown.

2. The Suitcase Entrepreneur by Natalie Sisson

The Suitcase Entrepreneur by Natalie Sisson | Best Travel and Lifestyle Books | top travel books

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  • Lifestyle design: Sisson advocates for lifestyle design, empowering readers to create a business that aligns with their desired lifestyle and allows for location independence and freedom.
  • Remote work strategies: The Suitcase Entrepreneur: Create Freedom in Business and Adventure in Life provides practical strategies for building and managing a remote business, including tips on outsourcing, managing virtual teams, and leveraging technology to facilitate flexibility and mobility.
  • Travel as a lifestyle: Sisson encourages a mindset shift towards integrating travel as a lifestyle, offering insights on combining business and adventure to create a fulfilling and balanced life.
  • Digital nomad resources: The book offers resources and guidance for aspiring digital nomads, covering topics such as travel hacks, co-working spaces, and networking opportunities for location-independent entrepreneurs.
  • Entrepreneurial mindset: Sisson fosters an entrepreneurial mindset, emphasizing the importance of creativity, adaptability, and resilience in building a business that supports a life of adventure and freedom.

3. 101 Money Saving Travel Tips by Daniel Davidson

101 Money Saving Travel Tips by Daniel Davidson | Best Travel and Lifestyle Books | best travel books

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  • Budget travel strategies: Davidson offers a variety of budget travel strategies, including tips on finding affordable accommodations, using public transportation, and seeking out free or low-cost activities at travel destinations.
  • Airfare and booking hacks: 101 Money Saving Travel Tips: 2015 Edition provides insights into airfare and booking hacks, offering advice on securing the best deals, utilizing loyalty programs, and optimizing travel rewards to save money on flights and accommodations.
  • Packing and luggage tips: Davidson shares packing and luggage tips to help travelers minimize costs and maximize convenience, including guidance on efficient packing, luggage selection, and avoiding unnecessary fees.
  • Dining and food savings: The book includes tips for saving money on dining and food while traveling, such as seeking out local markets, cooking meals in accommodations, and leveraging dining discounts and loyalty programs.
  • Travel insurance and safety considerations: Davidson addresses the importance of travel insurance and safety considerations, providing guidance on selecting the right coverage and taking precautions to protect both finances and well-being while traveling.

4. How to Travel Full-Time by Colin Wright

How to Travel Full-Time by Colin Wright | Best Travel and Lifestyle Books | must-readtravel books

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  • Minimalist travel lifestyle: Wright advocates for a minimalist travel lifestyle, focusing on experiences over possessions and embracing the freedom of full-time travel without being tied down by material belongings.
  • Sustainable income generation: How to Travel Full-Time provides insights into sustainable income generation while traveling, including advice on freelancing, entrepreneurship, and remote work to support a nomadic lifestyle.
  • Cultural immersion and learning: Wright emphasizes the value of cultural immersion and continuous learning through travel, encouraging readers to engage with diverse communities and gain new perspectives.
  • Travel logistics and planning: The book offers practical advice on travel logistics and planning, covering topics such as itinerary management, accommodation options, and transportation strategies for long-term travel.
  • Personal growth and adaptability: Wright explores the potential for personal growth and adaptability through full-time travel, highlighting the transformative power of embracing uncertainty and expanding one's comfort zone.

5. How to Travel the World on $50 a Day by Matt Kepnes

How to Travel the World on $50 a Day by Matt Kepnes | Best Travel and Lifestyle Books | top-selling travel books

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  • Budget travel mindset: Kepnes promotes a budget travel mindset, encouraging readers to prioritize experiences over expenses and offering practical strategies for traveling affordably without sacrificing quality.
  • Cost-saving techniques: How to Travel the World on $50 a Day: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Smarter provides a range of cost-saving techniques, including tips on finding cheap flights, securing budget accommodations, and leveraging alternative transportation options to stretch travel funds.
  • Cultural immersion and local experiences: Kepnes emphasizes the value of cultural immersion and local experiences, guiding travelers on how to engage with communities, discover authentic attractions, and embrace the richness of diverse destinations without breaking the bank.
  • Travel hacking and rewards programs: The book delves into travel hacking and rewards programs, offering insights on maximizing loyalty points, credit card perks, and other strategies to access discounted or complimentary travel amenities.
  • Sustainable long-term travel: Kepnes offers guidance on sustaining long-term travel on a budget, covering topics such as managing expenses, generating income on the road, and adapting a frugal mindset to support extended travel adventures.

6. The World's Cheapest Destinations by Tim Leffel

The World's Cheapest Destinations by Tim Leffel | Best Travel and Lifestyle Books | best travel books of all time

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  • Affordable travel destinations: Leffel highlights 26 countries where travelers can stretch their budget, offering insights into affordable accommodations, dining options, and activities in each destination.
  • Budget travel strategies: The World's Cheapest Destinations: 26 Countries Where Your Money is Worth a Fortune provides budget travel strategies tailored to each featured country, including tips on transportation, sightseeing, and local experiences that offer excellent value for money.
  • Currency exchange and financial tips: Leffel offers currency exchange and financial tips specific to each destination, helping travelers navigate money matters and make the most of their funds while visiting these countries.
  • Off-the-beaten-path experiences: The book encourages travelers to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations within the featured countries, providing recommendations for unique and budget-friendly experiences beyond popular tourist spots.
  • Practical insights for frugal travel: Leffel offers practical insights for frugal travel, covering topics such as visa requirements, safety considerations, and cultural etiquette to help readers plan and enjoy budget-friendly trips to these destinations.

7. Getting Out by Mark Ehrman

Getting Out by Mark Ehrman | Best Travel and Lifestyle Books | free travel books

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  • Emigration considerations: Ehrman explores various considerations for individuals contemplating emigration from the United States, offering insights into the legal, financial, and logistical aspects of relocating to another country.
  • Destination selection: Getting Out: Your Guide to Leaving America provides guidance on selecting a suitable destination for emigration, covering factors such as cost of living, healthcare, climate, and cultural integration to help readers make informed decisions about potential new homes.
  • Residency and citizenship options: Ehrman discusses residency and citizenship options in different countries, offering information on visa processes, residency requirements, and pathways to obtaining citizenship for those seeking to establish a new life abroad.
  • Financial and tax implications: The book addresses financial and tax implications of leaving the United States, providing insights into managing assets, tax obligations, and financial planning considerations for expatriates.
  • Practical relocation advice: Ehrman offers practical relocation advice, including tips on selling property, moving belongings overseas, and navigating the practical challenges of transitioning to a new country.

8. Work, Save, Travel, Repeat by Jereme M. Lamps

Work, Save, Travel, Repeat by Jereme M. Lamps | Best Travel and Lifestyle Books | travel and lifestyle books

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  • Budget travel mindset: Lamps emphasizes adopting a budget travel mindset, focusing on maximizing experiences while minimizing expenses to make long-term travel sustainable and enjoyable.
  • Cost-saving strategies: Work, Save, Travel, Repeat provides a comprehensive range of cost-saving strategies, including tips on finding affordable accommodations, securing budget transportation, and accessing discounted or free attractions and activities.
  • Financial planning for travel: Lamps offers guidance on financial planning for travel, covering topics such as budgeting, saving, and managing expenses to support extended periods of exploration without financial strain.
  • Travel hacking and rewards programs: The book delves into travel hacking and rewards programs, providing insights on maximizing loyalty points, credit card perks, and other strategies to access discounted or complimentary travel amenities.
  • Sustainable long-term travel: Lamps offers practical advice on sustaining long-term travel on a budget, including guidance on generating income on the road, managing travel funds, and adapting a frugal mindset to support extended travel adventures.

9. Expat Secrets of Mexico by Russell Blake

Expat Secrets of Mexico by Russell Blake | Best Travel and Lifestyle Books | must see travel books

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  • Practical relocation advice: Blake offers practical relocation advice for individuals considering moving to Mexico, covering topics such as visa requirements, housing options, and cultural integration to help readers navigate the transition smoothly.
  • Cost of living insights: Expat Secrets of Mexico provides insights into the cost of living in Mexico, offering comparisons with living expenses in other countries and guidance on managing finances in a new cultural and economic context.
  • Healthcare and insurance considerations: Blake addresses healthcare and insurance considerations for expatriates in Mexico, discussing topics such as accessing healthcare services, securing health insurance, and managing medical expenses while living abroad.
  • Legal and residency matters: The book covers legal and residency matters in Mexico, providing information on residency processes, visa options, and legal considerations for expatriates seeking to establish a more permanent presence in the country.
  • Cultural and lifestyle adjustments: Blake explores the cultural and lifestyle adjustments expatriates may encounter in Mexico, offering insights on adapting to local customs, building social connections, and finding fulfillment in a new environment.

10. Travel the World Without Worries by Marek Bron

Travel the World Without Worries by Marek Bron | Best Travel and Lifestyle Books | best lifestyle books

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  • Budget travel philosophy: Bron promotes a budget travel philosophy, emphasizing the value of adventure and personal growth through immersive travel experiences while managing expenses responsibly.
  • Destination selection: Travel the World Without Worries provides guidance on selecting budget-friendly destinations, offering insights into cost-effective accommodations, dining options, and off-the-beaten-path experiences in various parts of the world.
  • Travel safety and well-being: Bron addresses travel safety and well-being, providing tips on navigating unfamiliar environments, staying healthy on the road, and managing potential risks associated with budget and adventure travel.
  • Sustainable travel planning: The book offers insights into sustainable travel planning, covering topics such as itinerary management, transportation choices, and environmentally conscious practices to support responsible and fulfilling travel experiences.
  • Cultural immersion and learning: Bron emphasizes the value of cultural immersion and continuous learning through travel, guiding readers on how to engage with diverse communities, embrace new perspectives, and foster meaningful connections while traveling on a budget.

11. An Intentional Travelers Guide to Unconventional Budget Accommodations by Michelle Chang

An Intentional Travelers Guide to Unconventional Budget Accommodations by Michelle Chang | Best Travel and Lifestyle Books | travel book

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  • Creative accommodation options: Chang explores a variety of creative and unconventional accommodation options for budget travelers, including house sitting, volunteer exchanges, and unique lodging experiences that offer cost savings and enriching cultural immersion.
  • Financial planning for accommodations: An Intentional Travelers Guide to Unconventional Budget Accommodations: Creative Ways to Save Money on Transformational Travel provides insights into financial planning for accommodations, offering tips on budgeting, negotiating rates, and leveraging alternative lodging arrangements to support long-term and transformational travel experiences.
  • Sustainable and responsible travel: Chang emphasizes sustainable and responsible travel practices in the context of budget accommodations, guiding readers on how to minimize environmental impact and support local communities while seeking affordable lodging options.
  • Community engagement and cultural exchange: The book encourages community engagement and cultural exchange through unconventional budget accommodations, highlighting opportunities for meaningful interactions and authentic experiences with local hosts and residents.
  • Personal growth and enrichment: Chang explores the potential for personal growth and enrichment through unconventional budget accommodations, emphasizing the transformative power of embracing unique lodging experiences to cultivate a deeper connection with the places visited.

If you're more of a visual person, here are some travel vision board ideas and examples that can help you get started travelling. For more inspiration, check out these travel quotes.

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Are there lifestyle books missing from this list? Are there books that shouldn't be here? Do you find this list useful? Do you have any favorites? Make sure to let me know in the comments on the the main page of the 175+ Best Habit Books List

Top Habit Books

And if you want more resources about traveling, be sure to check out these blog posts:

travel books | best travel books | must-read travel books

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