17 Vision Board Ideas for Men to Manifest Their Goals

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Looking for vision board examples for men?

Although some people think that vision boards are just an arts and crafts project to entertain you on a quiet afternoon, this tool actually helps you realize your goals.

Vision boards are intended to empower people to achieve what they want most in life. They work by harnessing the Law of Attraction.

The pictures and words that can be found on vision boards prime your senses through visualization. In this way, you become more receptive to the opportunities that make it possible to manifest your dreams.

If you’re wondering what a vision board for men looks like, we’ve rounded up some of the best examples to give you some inspiration.

But before we get to our list, let’s briefly discuss the basic elements of a vision board.

Vision Board Elements

Here are the major elements that you find on most vision boards.

1. Pictures. These images from magazine cutouts, printouts, etc. are associated with the goals that you want to manifest. More importantly, they evoke the feelings that you associate with achieving your goal. (Learn where to find free magazines for your vision board.)

2. Words. The words, affirmations, and quotes you place on a vision board are intended to motivate you and help you overcome your limiting beliefs about your ability to achieve your goals.

3. Realia or souvenirs. These items add visual interest to a vision board. They also serve as visual reminders of empowering experiences in your life.

Let’s check out our list!

1. Poetry in His Journey

Some people respond more positively to the written word rather than images. If you are one of those people, perhaps you’ll appreciate the vision board example above. (You may also appreciate this post about manifesting something by writing it down.)

You’ll notice that a majority of the design elements in this board consist of phrases and words.

Just like an all-image vision board, this word-rich board aims to empower and encourage its creator to reach his highest potential.

2. Motivational Fitness Board

Here is another example of a fitness vision board. This one combines both words and pictures to help its creator visualize and achieve peak fitness for himself.

3. The CEO

If you’re planning to create a career-focused vision board, then you might want to take inspiration from this example. The creator of this board chose pictures that represent his idea of a successful career.

With these images and words and a regular visualization habit, a person can manifest this dream in no time.

4. Christian Keyes' Vision Board

When you’re working with vision boards, it’s good to remember that, along with choosing the right pictures and words to represent your goals, you also need to set aside time each day to look at your board and visualize the realization of these goals.

In the example above, the board’s creator placed his board in a prominent spot—on an altar. This way, he can constantly visualize his goals until they’re realized.

5. Generous and Giving

This vision board not only demonstrates a person’s desire to live the best life possible, it also shows that this person wants to develop his faith and believes that a higher power is going to be instrumental in helping him achieve his goals.

6. Live, Work, Create.

Self-improvement is one of the most popular themes of vision boards, and this example is a great source of inspiration for finding your authentic self.

Would you consider using a board like this for your goals?

7. Mom, I Am a Rich Man

Even though we’re already adults, we still want to make our parents proud. In this vision board example, the owner used the desire to make his mother proud as the main motivation for achieving his goals.

Based on the images and quotes found in this digital vision board, we can surmise that the following are some of the board owner’s goals:

  • Become wealthy
  • Become more responsible
  • Get married to the person they love
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle

8. Do It for You

This vision board is mainly about becoming successful in one’s career in information technology. The images, quotes, and phrases featured in this board were chosen for their ability to galvanize one into action.

You can use a vision board like this as wallpaper for your computer and other gadgets. That way, you’ll constantly see your goals and be motivated to achieve them.

9. Earthy and Elevated

This inspiration wall is a unique way to set up your vision board. You can create a vision board like this on your bedroom wall.

Choose images and other design elements that resonate with you and best represent your goals. In this vision board, postcards and magazine pages are the main design elements, creating an earthy look.

10. Travel Light

Vision boards don’t necessarily have to be set up on a sturdy board and placed in a prominent but private spot in your house. You can also use a notebook/journal for creating a vision board.

Some people prefer leaving empty, white spaces in their vision boards. This symbolizes the growth during the time they are working toward achieving their goals.

11. Powerful

Here is an example of a vision board focused on one's career, self-development, and healing. A board like this helps clarify where you need to focus your energy to start living the life you’ve always wanted.

12. Going to the Next Level

In addition to helping clarify your goals, a vision board serves as a map that helps you reach your destination.

The owner of the vision board featured above seems to understand this and has captioned their post with these wise words [translated from German]: “Only those who know their goal will find the way.

13. Dare to Dream

In addition to acquiring material wealth, some of the most popular goals men work on with vision boards include:

  • A happy home life
  • Freedom from debt
  • Doing their favorite hobbies
  • Traveling

These goals are seen in the example above. Do you have similar goals?

14. We Good

You might want to try framing your vision board, like in this example. This signifies that you are serious about your intention to fulfill your goals.

Usually, when one shows commitment to their dreams, the universe opens up and places opportunities for manifesting those goals along the person’s path.

If they’ve diligently done their daily visualization, they are more open and receptive to these opportunities. They are in a better position to act on these opportunities to manifest what they want.

15. Into the Ring

Need more examples of vision boards created digitally? Here’s another one that focuses on success in a financial and academic sense.

16. Art Therapy Vision

Vision boards are a wonderful tool for manifesting healing and recovery. This example was created during an art therapy session.

If you intend to make a vision board for healing, you might want to include empowering words and images that radiate hope, acceptance, and love.

17. Premiere Vision

This board features magazine cutouts of pictures, words, and phrases to represent the creator’s vision of success.

What counts as success is different for each of us. A vision board can help you clarify what is important to you.

Final Thoughts on Vision Board for Men

There you have it—17 great examples of vision boards to inspire you to visualize the fulfillment of your dreams.

Do you have a favorite among the ones featured in this collection?

Vision boards can help you get what you want. However, you have to be willing to commit to visualizing and being receptive to the opportunities that bring you closer to your goals.

You might want to check out these other resources on vision boards to get you started on yours:

Finally, if you don’t know how to get started with this strategy, then check out this FREE printable worksheet and a six-step process that will help you create the PERFECT vision board.

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