20 Simple Ways to Quickly How to Pay Off Your Debt

pay off debt | how to pay off debt quickly | ways to pay off debt fast

Have you ever gone swimming in the ocean and had a huge wave take you down, leaving you seconds to catch your breath before another wave crashed into you? That’s what being in debt can sometimes feel like. When in debt, you are: Constantly playing catch up on past-due bills. Filtering calls from debt collectors … Read more

9 Ways to Stop Impulse Buying & Curb Your Spending

impulse buying | how to stop impulse buying | ways to stop impulse buying

We’ve all been there. You see something in a store you want and get a momentary thrill as you consider buying it. You can’t wait to get home with your new item and try it out. You may even consider all of the positive changes it could make in your life. But this is not … Read more

11 Good Financial Habits for Lifelong Wealth

Good Financial Habits | financial habits | best financial habits

It can take years of experience to develop good financial habits, but the benefits of being responsible with your spending are well worth any effort it takes to develop good practices. When you have your finances under control, you can keep you and your family out of debt, you can maintain a strong credit score, … Read more

How to Practice Curated Consumption

curated consumption | mindful consumption | selective consumption

Do you feel frustrated at how much time you spend on media sites like YouTube, Reddit, TikTok, or Twitter? One of the big challenges of being a human in the 21st century is the unrelenting bombardment of media and information from every device that we frequently use. We are fed an algorithmically determined line-up of … Read more

How to Resist the Shiny Object Syndrome in Your Life

how to fight shiny object syndrome | how to focus on goals | suffering from shiny object syndrome

Are you an entrepreneur or a creative person? If so, you probably have dozens of ideas that constantly run through your head. You feel excitement over these possibilities (or shiny new things) because it is the opportunity to do something fun and different. And you feel like if you don’t take action on a new … Read more